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Amg Ada explores dimensions of magick neglected by or even unsuspected in other traditions. It is always a mistake to compare it to more mainstream occult paths because it is a different way. It represents a hidden stream, a part of the ancient pagan heritage almost entirely forgotten. Remnants of it remain in folklore and myth but can only be recognised by those who have the keys. The Arbor Nuptial and rites of “tree marriage” are mentioned or hinted at in dozens of surviving sources but are rarely understood. Pagan orgia and sexual magick is represented in art, but usually stylised beyond recognition. The great cultural amnesia that has fallen upon the industrial order has obliterated any memory of a magick of shadows which once extended in an unbroken transmission back to the Neolithic age. Who in the age of electric lighting and of cities that never sleep now knows the esoteric relation between shadows and dreams? Which traditions of ‘tantra’ even suspect the magickal potency of sub-linguistic patterns of human erotic vocalisation?


We know that much of contemporary neopaganism is a modern reconstruction based in little more than the romantic imagination. Its purpose is largely to offer an earth-based religion to those who are alienated from Christianity and the monotheist traditions. Amg Ada is not a religion. It is not a path of devotion. The Great Goddess presents herself in a shadowy form as the ‘Night Queen’. No one knows her name. The ultimate rapture is to be taken in her arms and to experience an ecstasy of consummation in the deepest core of Being.


We are familiar with those who sneer and ridicule, who say that Amg Ada is a-historical, that it is “just a fantasy”, that it is “mumbo jumbo”. It is not a belief system. No faith is required. It is experiential. Abstracted, over-intellectualized modern people have become divorced from their dreams. Even if they remember their nightly dreams they no longer think of them as realities. Amg Ada is a journey to the lost realm of dreams, an empire of primordial archetypes over which the Night Queen rules. This is not some Jungian therapy. It is a reality, hot and strong. Those who undertake the journey soon find out just how tangible and real dream forms can be.


We also know that sex is an energy that inspires delusions. It is the creative energy of the cosmos, but there are plenty of people it has destroyed. This is not a path for armchair occultists and other phantasists. The Living Tree extends its branches into the starry sky but its roots go deep into the solid, stable structures of the Earth.


This is a sexual magick of the World Tree. If you read the myths and legends of the World Tree in those regions where the World Tree was identified as the ash (fraxinus) you will find hints and clues and remnants of traditions that have been gathered back together into the magick of Amg Ada.

Shadows of Rapture - The Magica Fraxinus - An Introduction to Amg Ada Sexual Magick

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