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The origins of Amg Ada are admittedly obscure. The seeds of the tradition were carried from Europe to America in stories told by Adolphus Hauschau, a bohemian figure who lived on the streets of San Francisco in the counter-culture during the 1960s and 70s. At first it was taken up by a fringe ‘grotto’ of an organisation called the Order of the Trapezoid inspired by the childish satanic pretensions of Anton La Vey, young men in pursuit of cheap thrills and ‘astral sex’ with demons and succubi.


It was rescued from this silliness by the Hawaiian born natural healer Jane Hurley-Cross who, more than any other person, was responsible for developing it into a coherent system of occult attainment. It is unclear what elements she added, but her methods developed from a core of received tradition on the basis of experimentation and exploration with a group of followers called the Pure Fire Group. This formed the nucleus of the later Purefire Foundation which published many documents pertaining to Amg Ada and promoted it as a ‘western tantra’.

There were always others who felt that Hurley-Cross mismatched it with ideas taken from Taoist alchemy (she was part Chinese) and who were more interested in its pagan roots. In particular, Nami Sandaslohr retraced its traditions in Europe and has devoted thirty years to exploring and testing its methods. 


It has continued as an underground path only known to and practiced by a small community of adepts. This is the best way. By the nature of it, it is for the few, not the many. 

Shadows of Rapture - The Magica Fraxinus - An Introduction to Amg Ada Sexual Magick

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