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There is no longer any secret as to the basic mode of Amg Ada sexual magick. It is practiced by a couple, Bride and Groom, Priestess and her Consort, as an extension of the erotic bond of their marriage. This marriage may be contracted purely for magickal purposes though. The Arbor Nuptial (tree marriage) by which they are bound in magick to the Living Tree (axis mundi) is not a social institution. It is undertaken for the sake of practising Amg Ada. It is not a bond of love or utility, nor for childrearing. Their intention is to make magick. 

They do this in the sacred space, usually referred to as the Temple.  But it is not a temple for sacrifices with an altar. It is a place for visions, and visions conjured and stirred by sexual energies. The Temple arts are erotic. It is a dance. It is not a solemn liturgy. It is a celebration modelled on the idea that the earth and the heavens, the planets and the stars, are dancing in an orgy of rapture, the central condition of their being. Being is rapture. Being is ecstasy. Amg Ada is a magick of sexual ecstasy. 

One of the conspicuous characteristics of this magick is that the marriage of Priestess and her Consort is not an exclusive tryst. It is not governed by Christian or even pagan social codes. This is the most controversial feature of Amg Ada. The Temple may be open to others. From the beginning, Amg Ada has been about reviving the arts of the sacred orgy. This is not the decadent orgy of the Romans or the 'Black Mass' orgy of the Satanists. It is a cosmological orgy, an extension of the Great Dance. 

The energies of this sexual magick are 'captured' and concentrated in the Temple. This happens by way of the projection of shadows on the Temple walls. These are then used in the sleep that follows the celebrations to rouse specific dream realms. It is, finally, from these dream realms that Amg Ada has come. Where are its origins? In the dreams of wild lovers. 

Amg Ada follows a certain mystic path in the substance of the subtle worlds. Adepts will dream the same dreams. It is a method of mutual dreaming. 

Shadows of Rapture - The Magica Fraxinus - An Introduction to Amg Ada Sexual Magick

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